Ali Ozan Gokcan
Partner, Entema Ltd
We want to explore new markets in Africa
Entema was established in 1992 to provide qualified engineering services to the local industrial plants in Corlu, a prominent textile hub in Turkey. Soon after, the company focused on producing textile finishing machinery and chose drying processes as its main field of work. Partner, Ali Ozan Gokcan share information about technologies showcased at ITM 2018 and the growth story of the company.
What textile machines do you produce, and what are you showcasing at ITM 2018?We produce fabric processing machinery like dryers. We offer two technologies in dryers. The first is the relaxed dryer and the other continuous tumbled dryer. Our dryers are different from those offered by competitors. For example, the fabric does not move by means of air in the dryer but mechanically; so, energy consumption is less. We have recently launched a new relaxed dryer, which is first in the textile industry. Conventional relaxed dryers have three passes, while our new dryer is a four-pass dryer. The advantage of this dryer is that it is compact in size, while offering a higher production capacity. The shrinkage of fabric is 0-3 per cent, while in conventional dryers it is 4-5 per cent. We are showing the new dryers. We have patented the new relaxed dryer technology in several countries.
Which countries do you export to?We export to Pakistan, Bangladesh, India, Iran, Egypt, Sri Lanka, Indonesia, Russia, Uzbekistan and some countries in South America.
How did 2017 fare for your company?It was good for us and we grew by 10 per cent. However, 2016 was not so good. We are not sure of 2018, due to the tension in the region.
What are your plans for 2018?We have introduced our new technologies in our export markets, and now we want to reach out with these technologies to African countries like Tunisia, Algeria, etc.